How to Avoid Single-Use Plastic on Holiday

Posted by Rachel Karniely on

BeeBee Wraps have become an essential addition to my packing list when going away. Small, lightweight and practical: they tick all the boxes for anyone who likes to travel light and is conscious of keeping their single-use plastic consumption to a minimum whilst on holiday. 

Here are some of the ways BeeBee Wraps have helped me whilst travelling:

Eat without single-use plastic 

buy nuts in a BeeBee beeswax pouch

1) Shop and Eat Local

For me, travel = food! Visiting the local food market is top of the agenda for sure, not only can you get your hands on the freshest produce and get a taste for local delicacies but it’s ideal for people watching. It has to be the best way to get a taste for a place, its people and their culture. Now we don’t have to accept the brown paper or single-use plastic bags on market stalls (hooray!). Instead I wrap produce in a Large BeeBee Wrap or, for something like nuts, spices and dried fruit, store them in a BeeBee pouch (like the Brazil nuts in the photo above). See how to fold one here.

Travel bonus: An added fun element is explaining what BeeBee Wraps are to stallholders. (Even more fun if you don’t share a common language!)

shopping with BeeBee beeswax Wraps in Israel

Here’s a photo of my Dad explaining BeeBee Wraps to a bemused stallholder in Northern Israel earlier this year. 

2) Packed Lunches

BeeBee Wraps can be used again and again throughout a trip to store packed lunches, saving both money and plastic packaging. They’re perfect for sandwiches on the go: they keep the sandwich securely together, they won’t unravel in your bag like cling film, your sandwich will stay nice and fresh AND you can use your BeeBee Wrap as a plate whilst eating! Why would you ever go back to cling film?!

Bonus: our range of bright designs means you can use them to identify whose sandwich is whose or even denote a specific sandwich filling to a certain design. I find our mixed design Family Pack the most helpful with sandwich identification. 

BeeBee Wraps great for wrapping sandwiches

Here’s as snap of my family’s packed lunch for our flight to Israel back in March. No more having to peek into a sandwich to work out whose is whose, yay!

3) Excursion Snacks 

If I’m planning to eat out all day, then I’ll least take a snack with me to see me through until my next meal. There’s nothing worse than getting serious hunger pangs when you’re halfway through a museum you’ve wanted to visit for years but you’re not ready to leave yet. I always carry a pouch of medium or large wraps with raisins or peanuts in to keep me going. See how to fold a pouch below: 

Lightweight Travel

Reusable food containers are great at home but not super practical for backpackers or travellers with limited space and weight-allowance (I will avoid paying for hold luggage at all costs…). When not in use, BeeBee Wraps can be folded down and put away in your bag or even in your pocket, ready for their next adventure.

Washbag Essential 

BeeBee Wraps are excellent at storing bars of soap whilst on the move (see our video below). Seeing as they fit the shape of the soap bar, they take up significantly less space in your wash bag than bulky soapboxes. The wax means that a wet bar of soap won’t dampen the rest of your wash bag (we’ve all had that dilemma where we’re leaving that morning but want to shower before checking out) and it’s breathable quality means the bar can still dry whilst wrapped, meaning the soap won’t dissolve at the edges. Woop! 

If that wasn’t enough, I’ve found that using BeeBee Wraps on my bars of soap and shampoo has saved me money (and not to mention last-minute holiday buying hassle) as you don’t have to pay for special travel toiletries or buy smaller containers to put your liquid shampoo in. Long gone are the days of worrying about leaky shampoo bottles in my suitcase!

FAQ: Someone recently asked me whether they could use the same wrap on soap and then back on food. What I do is have specific wraps for toiletries, just to be safe. Our nautical Sardines and Whale Pod designs look particularly cute in a bathroom setting. 

soap wrapped in a BeeBee beeswax wrap

Another handy use for BeeBee Wraps in your wash bag is folding it into a pouch to store small things like hairbands, tooth tepes and toothpaste tabs.

Versatile Travel Essential

Use BeeBee Wraps to store dirty cutlery

I try to carry reusable cutlery with me in case I get caught out without prepared food or want to sample some local street food. Once finished eating, I simply wrap the dirty cutlery in a BeeBee Wrap and pop it into my bag, rest assured that no grease or excess food will transfer onto my jumper, camera or book.


drying a BeeBee wrap on a hostel towel rail

I love this photo that my housemate sent me whilst she was away in Amsterdam last month. She fashioned a BeeBee drying station from the hostel towel rail. Just because you’re away, doesn’t mean you can’t give your BeeBee Wrap the drying dignity that it deserves! 


These are just some of the many reasons BeeBee Wraps have become such a travel essential for me. Have you got any tips for using BeeBee Wraps whilst travelling? The more random and creative the better! Please share in the comments below or use the hashtag #BeeBeeOnTour when sharing on social media.

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