Our Ingredients
What ingredients are in our beeswax wrap?
Our BeeBee Wraps are made using only four sustainably sourced ingredients. Two of which are certified organic.
We want to be transparent. Whilst we are not perfect, we are certainly aiming high to improve at every step of the way.
Organic Cotton
Our cotton had to be organic, it’s better for everyone, from the farmers who grow it, to you, wrapping your food in it, and the fragile ecosystems we all depend on!
Given BeeBee Wraps exists to solve an environmental problem we don’t want to contribute to another one. Conventional cotton farming uses more pesticides than any other area of agricultural production and is a major cause of freshwater pollution due to high inputs of fertilisers and pesticides.
GOTS is the leading standard for textiles made from organic fibres worldwide. It shows commitment to the highest level in environmental and social standards.
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certified factories are audited regularly to check that workers are provided with a safe and clean environment and are paid a living wage (which means either the national standard or industry benchmark, whichever is higher).
We are committed to only using organic cotton. Whilst it's not without its flaws we believe the benefits outweigh the drawbacks whilst we research even better and more planet-friendly materials.
As for the way we print our designs onto the fabric, that was a cause for concern due to the prevalence of toxic, synthetic Azo Dyes. We promise to never use these highly detrimental dyes in our wraps. We use GOTS certified organic dyes which are safe to be used next to skin!
British Beeswax
Beeswax (Cera Alba) is a sustainable, natural resource that has amazing properties - antibacterial, waterproof, a natural food preserver.
Beeswax has been used since prehistory as the first plastic, as a lubricant and waterproofing agent, as a polish for wood and leather and for making candles, as an ingredient in cosmetics and as an artistic medium in encaustic painting.
In food preparation, it is known as E901 and is used as a coating for foods such as lemons and cheese; by sealing out the air, protection is given against mould growth. Soft gelatin capsules and tablet coatings may also contain beeswax, and it is often used in natural chewing gum.
Beeswax is edible, having similar negligible toxicity to plant waxes like Jojoba oil. The wax monoesters in beeswax are poorly hydrolysed in the guts of humans and other mammals, so they have insignificant nutritional value.
We believe that bee keeping in a more humane and ethical way, whilst following DEFRA's strict rules, helps to support the honey bee population. Our beeswax is sourced from British bees whose keepers adhere to the Bee Farmers Association’s Welfare Code of Conduct.
Organic Jojoba Oil
Organic jojoba oil (phonetically: ho-ho-ba) is obtained by pressing the seeds of the jojoba shrub (Simmondsia chinensis) which is native to southern Arizona, southern California, and north western Mexico. Its deep root system and leathery leaves make it well suited to droughts and intense heat, and can help improve soil quality.
The terms "jojoba oil" and "jojoba wax" are often used interchangeably because the wax visually appears to be a liquid, but is in fact a plant wax.
Jojoba oil is used as a replacement for whale oil. The ban on importing whale oil led to the discovery that jojoba oil is "in many regards superior to sperm whale oil for applications in the cosmetics and other industries".
Jojoba oil is used as an additive in many cosmetic products, especially those marketed as being made from natural ingredients. In particular, such products commonly containing jojoba are lotions and moisturisers, hair shampoos and conditioners. The pure oil itself may also be used on skin, hair, or cuticles.
Jojoba oil is edible but non-caloric and non-digestible, meaning the oil will pass out of the intestines unchanged.
Resin or rosin, (pix græca) also called colophony or Greek pitch is a solid form of resin obtained from pines and some other plants, mostly conifers.
Rosin is an ingredient used in a multitude of industries from soap to stringed instruments, soda to sealing wax. Rosin is used as a glazing agent in medicines and chewing gum. It is denoted by E number E915. (E numbers are codes for substances that are permitted to be used as food additives.)
We use responsibly sourced resin from European pine forests. Our suppliers hold ISO14001 - Environmental Management System OHSAS 18001 - Occupational Health and Safety.