Meet the Maker

Posted by Kath Austin on

I'm Kath Austin and I'm the CEO and Founder of BeeBeeWraps.

I started making BeeBee Wraps in my own kitchen about five years ago for my family to use and reduce our plastic consumption. It was also a  sideline project that helped with the monotony of child induced sleep deprivation and a way to channel my need to potter and be creative. 
When my partner David asked me if I was ever going to sell BeeBee Wraps I finally put them on Etsy and had two orders within 12 hours (and not from my mother!!!). Clearly there was demand.
Since then we've reached lots of amazing milestones. We were accepted onto The Incubator with Cambridge Social Ventures, I resigned from my amazing fundraising job with the wonderful Arthur Rank Hospice Charity (So. Hard.). One became two and our first employee Bebe joined the team (yes her name is actually Bebe!!).

Since the new year we've been featured by The Guardian (twice, no less), Daily Mail, ITV Anglia News and BBC Radio FiveLive.

We have a growing cohort of stockists from all over the UK and beyond! (Check out Mynta on the Faroe Islands).

March brings even more exciting news! We are moving to bigger premises and we will be expanding the team too! 

I feel so privileged to do this job. It's a constant whirlwind of fabulously chaotic growth but it's exciting. 

Above all, we're really making a social impact on plastic pollution. Being the change to ensure our natural world is protected. It is our responsibility. Little changes by lots of people make big waves. 

Thank you to everyone who has helped build BeeBee Wraps. I'm forever grateful.

Kath Austin Founder and CEO at BeeBee Wraps

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