A rhyme for Kath by Cambridge Beekeeper

Posted by Kath Austin on

Cambridgeshire Beekeepers Association


Here at BeeBee Wraps we are pretty good friends with beekeepers and their bees. They provide us with excellent quality local beeswax from happy bees who are cared for well. 

When I was asked to give a talk at the Cambridge Beekeepers' Association I jumped at the chance to share the news of why we use their beeswax. The evening was delightful, I really enjoyed speaking to a room full of like-minded bee enthusiasts.

Little did I know that the enthusiasm didn't stop at bees. David Abson, who is a committee member of the Cambridgeshire Beekeepers' Association, is a compulsive writer of verse, some of it about bees and beekeeping issues. He recently sent me this wonderful piece of work which I couldn't resist sharing with you all, and now adorns the wall at BBHQ.

When Kath Austin spoke to bee folk, she had such a tale to tell.
The beautiful reusable food wraps is a name that fits them well.
To save on using cling-film was a target that Kath set,
And, after many, many trials, she reached her goal, you bet.
The base, organic cotton, with a pattern on it printed
Is coated with a special “brew” that’s what Kath Austin hinted.
Some oil, plus flakes of resin, in a mixture beeswax-based
Is heated, and then painted on, just like wallpaper paste.
The wraps extend the shelf life of a humble loaf of bread,
And salad leaves will never sweat; they stay quite fresh instead.
From home, initial selling of the first batch went so well
That Kath, in kitchen “factory”, made many more to sell.
A stall out in the market brought the wraps to public view,
So Kath gave up her day job, and made wraps for me and you.
A mention in the press meant that the sales moved up a gear.
She moved into a business park; hired staff in the New Year.
Some packaging, with neat design, was needed for mail orders.
Her product sold throughout the land; crossed international borders.
We all admire her industry; now the product’s all the rage,
And so we hope that BeeBee wraps will keep Kath in old age.

David J. Abson © 2018

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  • Brilliant!

    Trish Austin on

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