Did you know that 2.5 billion coffee cups are used and thrown away each year in the UK - enough to stretch around the world roughly five and a half times - but less than 1 in 400 - just 0.25% - are recycled. Around 500,000 cups are littered every day - an unsightly and damaging blight on our environment.**
BeeBee & Leaf and Zero Waste Week
Yesterday we introduced you to the Zero Waste Week campaign, and took a look at the impact of food and packaging waste and suggested some simple changes you might consider that would make a big immediate impact on reducing your waste. Today it’s food and drink storage.
Spotlight on food and drink storage waste
We’re a society bred on convenience. Well certainly that was true pre-pandemic, but there is some hope that post-pandemic we may have woken up to the challenge that is facing us. With more home and flexible working, less rushing, and more home cooking, lets embrace the slow and ditch the shop bought meal deals – pack up our own lunches. Also remember to take your own coffee cup out (once you’re able). The impact it can make to the environment is huge. Buying a water bottle or coffee cup for life is probably the easiest place to start your sustainability journey.

How can you reduce your food and drink storage waste?
Elephant Box has a range of steel cups, water bottles, and lunch boxes for you to choose from. They are designed and built to last a lifetime, which is exactly what is needed when we make our purchasing decisions seeing as 99% of what we buy is either consumer or trashed.
We teamed our Elephant Box with BeeBee & Leaf Wraps to make a super Zero Waste Lunchbox effortlessly! See this super video from our friends at Elephant Box below.
WIN a Zero Waste Week hamper worth £150!
To be in with a chance of winning a Zero Waste Week hamper including:
- Abel & Cole family size fruit and veg box voucher*
- BeeBee & Leaf family pack and bread wrap
- Elephant Box steel lunch box
- Zero Waste Path Bliss beauty oil and shampoo bar
- Cheeky Wipes baby wipes kit box
Visit our Facebook or Instagram accounts on Friday for details on how to enter!
Remember to tag any Zero Waste Week posts with #zerowasteweek and tag us in too @beebeewraps
*The Abel & Cole food box voucher is only valid if you live within their delivery zone. If you do not BeeBee & Leaf will make up the prize value with extra wraps.